Archive for February, 2009


25 Random Things….

These “25 things” lists that are now popular at first were kind of dumb. Now that I really think about it and actually have done a few of them, they’re actually quite surprising and revealing!

After doing this, I kind of feel like Forrest Gump! All this stuff is true. I’ve just never sat down and wrote it all out.

1. When I was 10, I came within 5 feet of being eaten/attacked by a Bear in New Mexico. Seriously. I can tell you the story if you wish.

2. I once won a horse in a movie trivia contest.

3. I HATE BEANS. Green beans and green peas are acceptable but no other type of bean. They taste like nasty little pimples in your mouth! Just the consistency of them makes me sick.

4. Charlton Heston once personally told me at Opryland Hotel to tell my friends to “keep packing heat”. He said that to me after I told him he was my favorite actor of all time and I admired his stance on guns. To this day it upsets me that I didn’t have pen to get an autograph from him.

5. One thing that drives me absolutely crazy are People in large vehicles that slow down to go over a small speed bump- You drive a big truck that (according to commercials) you can drive through a burning house, drive fast and stop just at the edge of a cliff, drive up a ramp hauling a ton of weight while withstanding excessive heat and other elements, but you can’t go over one tiny speed bump. Really?! Also, I can’t stand people that drive anything below the speed limit when there’s no reason to.

6. One of my lifelong goals is to somehow go to a taping of SNL. It’s one of the most difficult shows to get a ticket to. Its usually by chance or if you know someone working on the show.

7. One of my other lifelong goals is to have Morgan Freeman narrate just five minutes of my life. It would be the coolest thing ever.

8. When I was about 8 or so. I got my arm stuck in between the wall and that big garage door spring when I accidentally pushed the garage door opener. I was stuck there for a little while until I could finally maneuver myself back over to the opener. Needless to say, I had a spring indention in my arm for a few days.

9. One year for Christmas my uncle shaved his beard, drew a picture of himself with colored pencils on a face shaped piece of poster board, and then glued his beard to the face. He called it his “self portrait”. That year I won Gerry House and the House Foundation’s contest for “most unique gift” on 98 WSIX.

10. I never bothered to learn how to ride a bike until I was about 13. I just never cared.

11. When I was 7-8, I had pajamas that looked like Pee-Wee Herman’s tuxedo. It even had feet that looked like his white loafers.

12. I have a knack for taking a bad step or tripping over my own feet.

13. On my dad’s side of the family….All of my cousins, my sister, and I are all left handed. My grandparents, parents, and all of my aunts uncles are right handed.

14. I played baseball when I was younger and I got on base more than any other player on the team. I never hit the ball once all season. Think about that one for a minute….

15. The Rock once signed a movie poster for me thinking that it was going to be donated to a children’s charity. For my defense, I didn’t tell him the lie. That’s what he thought though.

16. When I was in the third grade, my class was scheduled to go on a field trip. My mom signed the permission slip for me to go. A couple days before the trip, I got into trouble at school and my teacher decided as punishment to not let me go to on the field trip. I didn’t tell my mom. On the day of the trip, I went to school and was stuck doing work all day in another class. When I got home, my mom asked me how the field trip was. I told her a bunch of bull and never told her I didn’t get to go. To this day, she still has no idea that I didn’t go. he he he….

17. Channel 4 once did a news segment on our family and our daily morning routine. It was and still is, soo embarrasing.

18. When I was a toddler, my family and I were on a plane flying from Dallas to Nashville. The stewardess thought I was a cute little kid and decided to pick me up and take me on a tour of the plane. After a while, she had not brought me back and my mom became a little worried. She decided to go looking for me. When she found me, I was in first class. I was sitting on (at the time) Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander’s lap. She was speechless.

19. I once lived in a house that had been owned by Jim Varney aka. Ernest P. Worrell. You know the guy from the Ernest movies???

20. To this day, if I’m at the pool or even in the shower, I don’t like getting my face wet.

21. If I had to pick my least favorite celebrity it would probably have to be Queen Latifah. I absolutely cannot stand her.

22. One year in school, one of our class projects was to write to 3 famous people. I was the only one to get a response. In fact, I got responses from 2 out of the 3 people. One was from my all time favorite baseball player, Nolan Ryan, who sent me an autographed picture. The other was a first class letter from The White House. It was a personal letter to me from the first President Bush. My mom had no idea I had written him and she was shocked when I got the package in the mail. I still have the letter in a frame and we did verify that it’s a real signature,lol.

23. One time at church around 95-96, they were doing a toys for tots drive. I happened to walk by the box and I noticed that someone had placed 3 un-opened action figures from “The Empire Strikes Back” dating back to 1980. I took the toys.

p.s. Just so that you don’t think I’m evil and going to hell….I did tell my associate pastor and my parents. They completely understood that it wasn’t wise for an underprivileged child to rip open some rare toys. I did end up putting twice as many toys back in the box.

p.p.s. The Star Wars toys were appraised for a grand total of about $600. Cha-ching!

24. I’m pretty good at movie trivia.

25. I’ve gotten to meet Keifer Sutherland and Gene Hackman. Two of my favorite things are 24 and anything Superman. My personalized original “Superman: The Movie” poster is one of my most prized possessions.